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Welcome to This Awful/Awesome Life! My name is Frances Joyce. I am the publisher and editor of this magazine. We'll be exploring different topics each month to inform, entertain and inspire you. Meet new authors, sharpen your brain and pick up a few tips on life, love, entertaining and business. Enjoy and please share!

Mid-Century Modern Living - The Mini Moderns Guide to Pattern and Style by Keith Stephenson and Mark Hampshire - a Review by Fran Joyce

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I went off the grid for this month’s book review. Instead of selecting a work of fiction, a biography, or a memoir, I chose Mid-Century Modern Living: The Mini Modern Guide to Pattern + Style by Keith Stephenson and Mark Hampshire. Stephenson and Hampshire are designers who met in the late 1990s working at the same London design agency.

Both grew up in the 60s and 70s in Yorkshire, followed similar education and career paths, but had never met. They bonded over their love of all things mid-century modern.

This isn’t a book you need to read from cover to cover. It explains their concept of mid-century modern which spans from the mid-thirties to the early seventies and includes furnishings, color, patterns, Scandinavian influences, music, and clothing. For the book, they compiled seven interior looks that explore different aspects of mid-century style. The concepts aren’t meant to be followed meticulously. The authors prefer to take a “mini-modern” approach and embrace certain elements of mid-century modern style. Each look is based on a story/idea they’ve created and includes music, recipes for drinks, appetizers, and menus that were popular during the time. They want you to feel what mid-century living was like and consider how each element fits into your lifestyle and individual taste.

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My home was built in the late 1950s and contains many mid-century modern elements, but it’s an eclectic mix of styles. Since I’m beginning a renovation project, I find this book invaluable. It’s almost as if I’ve been given permission to embrace the aspects of mid-century modern I love, without being forced to include features I don’t like. I’m not a designer, and because of this, I’ve been guilty of trying too hard to follow/replicate a specific design style in the past. I worried about how I thought our house should look as opposed to how I wanted it to look and feel.

Stephenson and Hampshire recommend splurging on a few authentic pieces and building your look around them instead of trying to completely reproduce the look with knock-offs. They feel it’s better to celebrate an aspect of mid-century modern style with a piece you love.

This book is filled with gorgeous photos, interesting facts and stories, and useful design tips. The authors have a relaxed writing style that creates an instant connection with their readers. They enjoy what they do, and it shows.

Keith Stephenson and Mark Hampshire launched their successful brand, Mini Moderns in 2006, It’s an interior design brand specializing in products such as wallpapers and ceramics with an applied pattern through a range of products. Stephenson and Hampshire cite mid-century textiles, vintage toys, period literature, and childhood memories as the inspirations for their creations. 

Photo of Stephenson and Hampshire by Will Cooper-Smith

Photos taken from

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