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Welcome to This Awful/Awesome Life! My name is Frances Joyce. I am the publisher and editor of this magazine. We'll be exploring different topics each month to inform, entertain and inspire you. Meet new authors, sharpen your brain and pick up a few tips on life, love, entertaining and business. Enjoy and please share!

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Celebrating National Library Week by Fran Joyce


The first National Library Week was observed in 1958 with the theme "Wake Up and Read!"  This year’s celebration, Libraries = Strong Communities, will mark the 61st anniversary of the first event.

The primary focus of National Library Week is to encourage people to read. The American Library Association also wants to encourage people use their local libraries. In addition to books, magazines, newspapers, CD’s and DVD’s, community libraries  offer fun and educational programs for adults and children, free internet access, computer literacy training, and access to free online classes.

The idea for a National Library Week started in the mid-1950’s when librarians became concerned that people were spending less time reading and more time listening to the radio, watching television and listening to or playing musical instruments.


National Library Week 2019 runs from April 7 -April 13. Events planned include:

Monday, April 8: The State of America's Libraries Report will be released. The report will include the Top Ten Frequently Challenged Books of 2018.

Tuesday, April 9: National Library Workers Day. This is a day for library staff, administrators, and Friends groups to recognize and be recognized for the valuable contributions of all library workers. #nlwd19

Wednesday, April 10: National Bookmobile Day. Who didn’t love Bookmobile Day? This is a day to recognize the contributions of our nation's bookmobiles and people who make high-quality bookmobile outreach possible in their communities. #BookmobileDay2019

Wednesday, April 10 is also Library Giving Day. This is a one-day fundraising event to encourage people who depend on and enjoy public libraries to donate to their individual library system. #LibraryGivingDay

Thursday, April 11: Take Action for Libraries Day - support your local library and share your library story. #MyLibraryMyStory – post photos or videos, text or tweet about how use your library and why it’s a special place for you and your family.

Many local libraries will have their own special events including special story times for children and fun contests for all ages. Check your local library website for more information.

Some past Library themes include:

Open New Worlds with Reading

Be All You Can Be – Read!

Reading is for Everyone

Reading Makes the World go Around

Books Bring People Together

America’s Greatest Bargain – Your library

America – the Library has your number!

Take time to Read

Kids Who Read Succeed

Libraries Change Lives

Come Together @Your Library

World’s Connect @ Your Library

You Belong @ Your Library

Communities Thrive @ Your Library

Create Your Own Story @ Your Library

This is only a small sample of the themes used in the past 61 years. Which theme is your favorite?


"National Library Week ", American Library Association, November 8, 2006. (Accessed March 22, 2019) Document ID: d7c7c6bc-37a2-4944-6d70-f38e67f89e71

April 2019 - This Month in This Awful Awesome Life

Have You Tried Spring Cleaning Your Mind? by Fran Joyce