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Welcome to This Awful/Awesome Life! My name is Frances Joyce. I am the publisher and editor of this magazine. We'll be exploring different topics each month to inform, entertain and inspire you. Meet new authors, sharpen your brain and pick up a few tips on life, love, entertaining and business. Enjoy and please share!

Please like and follow us on Facebook: This Awful Awesome Life @thisawfulawesomelife2017

Next Month in This Awful Awesome Life - March 2023 by Fran Joyce

Thank you for reading the February 2023 issue of This Awful Awesome Life. Previous issues are available to read on our website. Go to and start scrolling or you can enter specific search criteria.

Next month we will be celebrating Women’s History Month and St. Patrick’s Day. In previous issues, we’ve featured women who have distinguished themselves in the areas of politics, activism, science, medicine, history, and the arts. We’ve only touched the surface of this vast pool of incredibly talented women. There are many new firsts to celebrate.

Last year we celebrated March with a writing prompt, and we’ll be doing it again. We will create five stories from the same prompt just to show you what can happen when you use your imagination.

March is also the month we all get to be Irish for the day as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

We’re thinking about spring and longing to see the first crocus blooms and a little green peaking through the snow. Are you ready to think about Spring Cleaning?

Lilly Kauffman, Orlando Bartro, Linda Cahill, and I will be back with interesting articles and recipes for you.

We’ll be continuing our reading recommendations, streaming articles, “What’s in a Word?” and “Dare to Believe.”

It’s a new year for quizzes, Q&A’s, and book reviews.

Stay safe. Stay well. You are important, and you are loved.

All my best,


Answers to the February 2023 Sing Me a Rebus Quiz

Herman’s Hermits              Can’t You Hear my Heartbeat?

Yes                                   Owner of a Lonely Heart

Elton John/Kiki Dee           Don’t Go Breaking My Heart

Paramore                          My Heart

Phil Collins                        Two Hearts

Neil Young                         Heart of Gold

Madonna                           Open your Heart.

Blondie                              Heart Of Glass

Steve Perry                       Foolish Heart

Stevie Nicks/Tom Petty      Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around

Author Page: Where to Find Your Next Great Read

January 2023 in This Awful Awesome Life by Fran Joyce