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Q&A with Pittsburgh's Poetess, Rachel Ann Bovier by Fran Joyce

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Rachel Ann Bovier entered the world as Billie Nardozzi. Billie became a successful musician and poet in the Pittsburgh area, worked for the state liquor store system, married, divorced, and built a life before transitioning into Rachel Ann to start her new life.

For more than a decade she has paid to place her poems with her phone number in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette classified section to be accessible for her fans.

From June 2017 to November 2019, Rachel Ann Bovier in conjunction with Lamar Advertising paid for a monthly billboard at the corner of Bigelow Boulevard and Herron Avenue in the Polish Hill district of Pittsburgh.

Each month, the billboards featured a smiling Bovier identified as “Pittsburgh’s Poetess” with a positive message such as “Put the freeze on hate and the heat on love” or “May your troubles be few and your triumphs be many.” Once again, she included her phone number in case anyone seeing her message needed to talk. Pittsburghers responded well to Rachel’s messages encouraging people to find themselves by being themselves and she has become a local legend.   

When the billboards stopped, Bovier received phone calls from concerned fans. As a result, BOOM Creative stepped in to sponsor a special Christmas holiday board featuring Rachel Ann as a kick-off for their “Just Do You” campaign.

Rachel Ann is the subject of an upcoming documentary by Squirrel Hill filmmaker, Brett Yasko.  Yasko has taught design at Carnegie Mellon University since 2005. The documentary is titled, “Celebrations” and covers a year in the life of Bovier. Still, in final edits, the release has been delayed by the current pandemic.

We caught up with Rachel Ann by phone this month and she graciously agreed to take part in one of our Q&A’s. We are pleased to present Pittsburgh Poetess, Rachel Ann Bovier in her own words.

  1. How old were you when you wrote your first poem? Do you remember it?

    I was 20 years old. The poem was titled, “A Beatles Story.”

  2. What is your favorite poetry form?

    Four line verses with rhyme

  3. How many musical instruments do you play? Which one did you learn to play first? Is there another instrument you want to learn to play?

    I play two instruments. I learned to play the guitar first and then I learned to play the piano. I want to learn to play the harmonica.

  4. How long were you in a band? What is the largest crowd you performed for?

    Forty years off and on.........The Polish Hill Festival was the biggest crowd we played for.

  5. You write poetry and songs. Have you tried your hand at drawing or painting?

    No, I’m terrible at drawing.

  6. Who are your favorite poets?

    My favorite poets are William Shakespeare and Robert Frost

  7. Dr. Samuel Hazo, a former poet laureate of Pennsylvania is my neighbor and I had the honor of interviewing him a few years ago for a local magazine. Brett Yasko mentions him in an article I read about the documentary. Are you familiar with his work? Have you met him?

    No, I’m not familiar with his work.......I’ve never met him.

  8. Are you working on a stand-alone book of poetry? Have you found a publisher?

    I’m working on a Book of Poems.......No publisher yet.

  9. What was your greatest fear about the documentary?

    No fear, only prayer.

  10. Do you keep a journal? If so, was it helpful to refer to while you were answering questions for the documentary?

No, I don’t keep a journal.

11. Has the documentary been released yet? If so, where can our readers watch it?

The documentary has not been released yet. The editing process is still going on.

12. What does its title, “Celebrations” mean to you?

It represents how Rachel has transformed.

13. If you could choose someone to play you in a movie, who would you choose and why?

If I could have anyone (living or dead) play me in a movie about my life, I would choose the

incomparable Miss Judy Garland because she seemed to go through a lot of trials and tribulations in

her own life to reach her dream.

14. You have posted your phone number for a decade in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette classified section with your poems and on your billboards. Do you track the number of calls you receive, the subject matter and tone of the calls? How do you deal with a caller you believe may be suicidal or potentially dangerous to themselves or others?

I don’t track phone calls, but I do save the ones that are special to me. Fortunately, I've never had any

kind of suicidal calls.

15. Do you believe poetry and song can influence us positively and negatively? Cite a contemporary example of both positions.

Absolutely! I believe poetry can have a tremendous influence on our lives. For instance, Robert Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken” is about making choices. Frost, as the narrator of the poem, took the road less traveled and it changed his life. Pointing that out may encourage someone else to have the courage to choose a new or less conventional path. The song, “Climb Every Mountain,” is also inspirational.

16. Why did you start renting the billboard and how did you decide which messages to put up? Have you found a new sponsor?

I sought a bigger outlet for my poetry. The messages I put up are meant to spread goodness, so I select words that are meaningful to me. No, I don’t have a sponsor.

17. What has been your greatest blessing since deciding to legally change your name to Rachel Ann Bovier?

The public’s acceptance of it.

18. How are you coping with social distancing/sheltering in place?

By having faith that it shall pass

19. How do you stay so positive?

I have always believed a positive attitude can work wonders.

20. Now for some fun questions. Since you are Pittsburgh’s Premier poet, some of these questions are Pittsburgh centered. Answer with the first thing that pops in your head. Feel free to elaborate:

a.       Primanti Brothers, Chipped Chopped Ham, or Pierogi?

All are classic Pittsburgh cuisine

b.      Where do your lawn chairs go – parking spot, patio, or front yard?

Front yard

c.       Klondike bar, Smiley cookies, or Burnt Almond Torte?

All great snacks!

d.       Sarris Candies or Clark Bars?

Sarris Candies.

e.       Penguins, Steelers, or Pirates?


f.        Beer, Wine, or mixed drink?


g.       Heels or Flats?


h.       Roses, daisies or daffodils?


i.         Favorite season - Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall?


j.         Favorite vacation spot - Beach, Mountains, or City?


21.   Final question – What is next for Rachel Ann Bovier?

I will cross that bridge when it presents itself.

June 2020 in This Awful Awesome Life

David Bernabo - Pittsburgh Filmmaker by Fran Joyce