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Welcome to This Awful/Awesome Life! My name is Frances Joyce. I am the publisher and editor of this magazine. We'll be exploring different topics each month to inform, entertain and inspire you. Meet new authors, sharpen your brain and pick up a few tips on life, love, entertaining and business. Enjoy and please share!

2021 Here We Come by Fran Joyce


The year from hell is nearly over and unfortunately, the pandemic is still with us. How will you choose to ring in 2021?

I hope you’ll be wearing your mask, practicing social distancing, and avoiding crowds. Celebrate with family and friends on Zoom or Google and stay safe and warm - No need for designated drivers or worrying about other drivers on the road.

What plans will you be making for 2021? We have a few suggestions and some helpful links to get you started.

Take stock of 2020. What have you learned about yourself, your family, your community, and your government leaders? What can you do in 2021 to make things better?

1.       Vote in all elections – policies start at local levels – make sure your local representation is responsive to the needs of your community and your state. Remember many of these representatives will eventually seek higher office.

2.       Learn more about how government works. What are the powers and responsibilities of each office? What are the three branches of the federal government – their powers/responsibilities and limitations? What are the checks and balances to keep these branches accountable to the people they serve? Use this link to get you started,

3.       Support local businesses. Most of the small businesses in your community didn’t receive PPP money and they need your support.

4.       Random acts of kindness are possible in a pandemic. Shovel a neighbor’s driveway this winter. Mow their lawn this spring. If you are going to the grocery store, offer to pick up a few items for a neighbor/friend/family member. Make someone a meal, or just call/text to check in and make sure they are okay.

5.       Support your local post office by buying stamps and sending out cards to friends/family. It will brighten their day and help keep USPS going,

6.       Are you staying active? Fitness experts recommend we take 10,000 steps a day. Do you have any idea how many steps you take? Get a pedometer and find out. Walking 10,000 steps a day each week is the same as 30 minutes/day of formal exercise and can help you shed a pound a week. Optimally, doing both is best, but get moving!

7.       Practice portion control. If you aren’t sure how big your serving sizes should be, google it and buy a food scale. Use this handy link to the American Heart Association to get you started on the road to portion control and healthier eating habits,,size%20of%20four%20stacked%20dice.

8.       Add more plant-based meals to your daily diet. Commit to making at least one day each week a meat free day. Consider doing the same for dairy because meatless doesn’t have to mean eating cheese. Learn about other healthy protein sources and how to incorporate them into your diet,

9.       Get a hobby. I know the pandemic has created a lot of downtime for many of us, but have we spent the time doing something for ourselves. Journaling can be helpful – you can start a password protected file on your computer for your writing if you use a shared computer at home. Write about your day or how you wish your day had gone. Draw, paint, or color. Sew or craft. Refinish furniture or even learn to build furniture by taking an online course. Read, listen to music, look up art online, or do quizzes…crossword puzzles, word searches – we feature a quiz in every issue of This Awful Awesome Life, and you can access all of them on our website,

10.   Just breathe – take in the moment and stop to be grateful for what you have instead of focusing on the things we can’t control or the losses we will never get back.

Stay safe, stay well, you are important, and you are loved!



Grab Your Ugliest Sweater It's Time to Shine! by Fran Joyce

What's on Your Playlist for December 2020? by Christian Joyce