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Welcome to This Awful/Awesome Life! My name is Frances Joyce. I am the publisher and editor of this magazine. We'll be exploring different topics each month to inform, entertain and inspire you. Meet new authors, sharpen your brain and pick up a few tips on life, love, entertaining and business. Enjoy and please share!

Please like and follow us on Facebook: This Awful Awesome Life @thisawfulawesomelife2017

Next Month in This Awful Awesome Life

For the May 2018 issue:


We’ll be celebrating Personal History Month discussing how to write a memoir and how to record your family history for future generations.

In celebration of spring (the real spring) we’ll be talking some more about flowers and gardening.

I’m reviewing Murder Over Kodiak by Robin Barefield.

Robin lives on Kodiak Island in Alaska where she and her husband own a remote lodge.  She has a master’s degree in fish and wildlife biology and is also a wildlife-viewing and fishing guide.

Robin has agreed to share her knowledge about Alaskan wildlife in an article.

We’ll have interesting articles from our regular contributors and as always a quiz.

See you next month!

The April Quiz – Baseball goes to the Movies

Answers to this Month’s quiz:

1.   Fear Strikes Out                              17. The Pride of the Yankees

2.  Field of Dreams                               18. Moneyball                  

3.  The Benchwarmers                         19. The Rookie

4.  Cobb                                               20. The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Movie Kings

5.  Summer Catch                                21. Major League

6.  A League of Their Own                  22. Bad News Bear

7.   Mr. 3000                                         23.Damn! Yankees

8.   The Perfect Game                          24. Baseball – Ken Burns

9.   Bull Durham                                   25. For Love of the Game

10.  The Pride of St. Louis                    26. The Bronx is Burning

11.   Eight Men Out                               27. Trouble with the Curve

12.  The Natural                                    28. Angels in the Outfield

13.   Hardball                                        29. The Jackie Robinson story

14.   Chasing 3000.                             30. Bang the Drum Slowly

15.   The Babe                                      31. Fever Pitch

16.   61                                                  32. The Sandlot                







Building a Team

May 2017 Issue Redesigned - It's a Mystery to Me