This Awful-Awesome Life

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Make One of a Kind Ornaments from Wine Bottles and Wine Corks this Holiday Season by Tanya Bashor

Christmas presents mean so much more when they're homemade. Whether you use them as fun stocking stuffers or easy-to-make hostess gifts, we have a few gift ideas for you, using wine bottles and corks.

Gypsy Artistry encourages recycling and upcycling and what better way to make use of an empty wine bottle or cork than creating a thoughtful homemade gift.

You can easily make many different ornaments by using corks from wine bottles. Here are few ideas to get you started:

A snowman is created by painting the cork white, adding ear muffs (created with a short piece of chenille stick and small fuzzy balls) add the end of a tooth pick painted orange for the nose and paint on eyes and buttons, add a small screw eye round pin and ribbon to the top and voila; a snowman ornament!

Many different types of angels may be created by gluing a piece of ribbon, or a small bow to the back of the cork for the wings, add a wooden bead or large pearl for the head. Embellish with pearls or stick on diamonds, add a small screw eye round pin and ribbon to the top. Experiment with shiny ribbons and pearls or make more rustic ones with burlap, wooden beads and greenery.  

Create a darling mouse by using a champagne cork for the body, slices of a wine cork for the ears, a black round bead for the nose, two smaller ones for the eyes, short pieces of wire and beads for the legs and feet, and another curly piece of wire for the tail. Make it whimsical by adding a small package for the mouse to carry and wrap in a small rectangular piece of felt around the neck for a scarf!

Wine Bottles are easily transformed into a beautiful festive light for the holidays. Apply a transfer of a snowman, (or paint one free-hand),  paint a few snowflakes on to the bottle, wrap the neck with some snowflake garland, add a cork light to the top and your empty wine bottle is now a handmade work of love, ready to bestow on a friend.

Happy holidays to you and your family from Gypsy Artistry, and we hope that you celebrate this season with friends and family with some homemade gifts, made from your heart!

For more information about Gypsy Artistry and their crafting classes, visit their website at or call 412-956-6001.